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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ranchman \Ranch"man\ (r[a^]nch"man), n.; pl. Ranchmen (r[a^]nch"men). An owner or occupant of, or laborer on, a ranch; a herdsman.


n. (plural of ranchman English)

Usage examples of "ranchmen".

It was a jury composed of two desperadoes, two low beer-house politicians, three bar-keepers, two ranchmen who could not read, and three dull, stupid, human donkeys!

But those unfortunate cattle speculations pulled me down, so now I am really, what would be called poor, as ranchmen go.

Our concern has acquired rights in the valley of the Rolling River, and I have been sent out to see what the chances are for getting the ranchmen and other land-owners interested.

You'll have all you need, but you won't have any over, as the rest of the ranchmen will.

In the early 70's the ranchmen of the great plains themselves began to keep greyhounds for coursing (as indeed they had already been used for a considerable time in California, after the Pacific coast jack-rabbit), and the sport speedily assumed large proportions and a permanent form.

Nowadays the ranchmen of the cattle country not only use their greyhounds after the jack-rabbit, but also after every other kind of game animal to be found there, the antelope and coyote being especial favorites.

Many ranchmen soon grew to own fine packs, coursing being the sport of all sports for the plains.

Several of the ranchmen, angered at their losses, hunted their foe eagerly, but always with ill success.

The men who pursue them for the bounty, or for their fur, as well as the ranchmen who regard them as foes to stock, ordinarily use steel traps.

The ranchmen of a neighborhood meet at an appointed time and place and organize for systematic work.

The men proved to be two neighboring ranchmen who were out looking for lost cattle.

Three hardened ranchmen were being set upon by a trio of striplings from the city, and were being beaten.

Frank casually mentioned arrows, crooked and otherwise, and offered to let the ranchmen use the bow the boys had made.