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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rampart \Ram"part\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ramparted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ramparting.] To surround or protect with, or as with, a rampart or ramparts.

Those grassy hills, those glittering dells, Proudly ramparted with rocks.

Rampart gun (Fort.), a cannon or large gun for use on a rampart and not as a fieldpiece.


a. Provided with a rampart.

Usage examples of "ramparted".

Behind ramparted stone walls, cobbled streets marched up and down terraced hills.

He had forbidden them to fight against those within the walls unless first attacked, had left them a plenitude of gunpowder and a brace of priests who knew how to fabricate more, so they should be able to make it reasonably unpleasant for the folk of the city and their king with enough fighting men available to protect them from sallies, entrenchments that could be defended adequately from either side, and a ditched, ramparted, and well-fortified camp to house administration and supply functions.

Like the promontory across the mouth of the river from Piliplok, it was ramparted by cliffs of pure white chalk that blazed brilliantly in the afternoon sunlight.