RampantTV was started as a web version of the TV show Sextstation in November 2010. The show concept is much like that of the late night "Babe Channels" that are shown on Freeview and Sky TV in the UK, where viewers at home can engage with models via a premium rate number or credit card. As RampantTV is on the web it allowed girls from TV to appear and work up to a harder pornographic level.
Rising very quickly in popularity the web channel started a forum in March 2011 for viewers to discuss the shows content, other TV shows with similar content such as; Babestation, Bluebird etc. as well as engage in general discussion. In addition to forum a live chat box was implemented for viewers to comment and interact directly with the model at no cost.
Whilst RampantTV remained the focus of the online channel in February 2012 aforementioned shows from the Sky TV were adopted too. This meant that viewers of the channel could now watch multiple feeds provided by Bluebird moving the sites concept from online TV channel to an online TV network.
RampantTV are constantly adding more and more channels, and constantly growing into the UKs premier porn experience.