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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rampageous \Ram*pa"geous\ (r[a^]m*p[=a]"j[u^]s), a. Characterized by violence and passion; unruly; rampant.

In the primitive ages of a rampageous antiquity.


a. violent and boisterous; unruly.


adj. displaying raging violence; often destructive; "the hot rampageous horses of my will"- W.H.Auden

Usage examples of "rampageous".

I had hoped he would scoff and tell me my rampageous imagination had run away with me.

An' whenever Bridget got rampageous, I'd take her in and show her the difference betwixt the two clans, just to punish her, so I would.

After a brief interval, fire glimmered at the base of the bachelor house and was fed into rampageous life with handfuls of straw.