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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ramequin \Ram"e*quin\ (r[a^]m"[-e]*k[i^]n), n. [F.]

  1. (Cookery) A mixture of cheese, eggs, etc., formed in a mold, or served on bread. [Written also ramekin.]

  2. The porcelian or earthen mold in which ramequins are baked and served, by extension, any dish so used.


n. (alternative form of ramekin English)

  1. n. a cheese dish made with bread and egg crumbs that is baked and served in individual fireproof dishes [syn: ramekin]

  2. a small fireproof dish used for baking and serving individual portions [syn: ramekin]

Usage examples of "ramequin".

Mix well and bake in a buttered casserole or ramequins for forty minutes.

Put the mixture into the ramequins letting it come up to the paper or nearly to the top of the dishes.

Set the ramequins on many folds of paper in a dish, pour in boiling water to half fill, and let bake in a moderate oven until the mixture is well puffed up and firm to the touch.

Remove the buttered paper, set the ramequins in place and serve at once.