Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. (plural of rambling English)
Usage examples of "ramblings".
The Ramblings, which was where Silas, Sarah and the boys lived, was a huge stone building that rose up along the riverside.
Silas spent the rest of the long, winding journey through The Ramblings with his mind in turmoil.
It was a fast way of getting across to the East Side, which was what The Ramblings were now called, and which was where she was headed today.
When she had lived in The Ramblings the passageways had been warm and clean, lit by reed torches burning at intervals along the wall and swept clean every day by the proud inhabitants.
After ten years of waking every day to the busy sounds of The Ramblings, not to mention the riot and hubbub of the six Heap boys, the silence was deafening.
It was so different from the hurly-burly of The Ramblings, but she already felt at home.
The Ramblings was a huge warren of a building that formed the east wall of the Castle and sprawled for three miles along the river.
She spent her days wandering around the Castle, exploring its highways and byways, looking with amazement into the windows of all the fascinating little shops tucked away underneath the arches in The Ramblings and even buying the odd trinket.
The Ramblings meant nothing to her and the Castle was as strange to her in this Time as it had been in her own Time.
Would she be as quick to discount his ramblings about that double-blasted shard-shelled egg?
And if any of the guests come back from their ramblings before you do, I'll put out the scones and make tea.
Slumping down into the corner, he stared into the dark cell, seeing and hearing what he should have seen and heard right away-the wild, incoherent ramblings, cries of pain, cries for water and, here and there, the awful silence of those who lay very, very still.
Besides, his mother's weird ramblings and mystical trances made her a complete enigma to the young warrior.