"Rajiin" is the 56th episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise, the fourth episode of season three. It first aired on October 1, 2003, on the UPN network in the United States. The episode was written by Brent V. Friedman and Chris Black from a story idea from Friedman and Paul Brown, and was directed by Mike Vejar.
Set in the 22nd century, the series follows the adventures of the first Starfleet starship Enterprise, registration NX-01. Season three of Enterprise features an ongoing story following an attack on Earth by previously unknown aliens called the Xindi. In this episode, Captain Jonathan Archer ( Scott Bakula) and the crew visit an alien bazaar seeking a formula to help protect the ship against the anomalies in the Delphic Expanse. They bring back on board a former slave called Rajiin (Nikita Ager), whose motivations are not what the crew initially believe.
Several sets were built for the episode, including the alien bazaar. Filming took longer than the normal seven days, with secondary shoots taking an additional day and a half. It was the highest-rated episode of the season so far, with 4.52 million viewers watching the first broadcast. However, the critical reception was mixed with criticism levelled at the "gratitious" female sexuality seen but the reviewers were pleased that it showed a sense of continuity in the overall Xindi arc with it described as a " space opera".