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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rain \Rain\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rained (r[=a]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Raining.] [AS. regnian, akin to G. regnen, Goth. rignjan. See Rain, n.]

  1. To fall in drops from the clouds, as water; -- used mostly with it for a nominative; as, it rains.

    The rain it raineth every day.

  2. To fall or drop like water from the clouds; as, tears rained from their eyes.


vb. (en-past of: rain)

Usage examples of "rained".

She brushed Rained face with a translucent powder and stepped back with a triumphant smile.

Debris rained down on the street, adding its crashing noise to the moaning and screaming of the wounded and dying.

The bedclothes smelled of mildew, which was no surprise, the way it rained in Paradisio.

Her scientific curiosity would lead her back to the rained city, where she would be certain to suffer the same ignoble fate that had befallen him.

The evening air sounded as if it were ripping as archers rained down a hail of arrows on cavalrymen struggling to escape the carnage.

As the great trunk bounced and settled to the ground, and limbs, bark, branches, needles, and leaves still rained down on him, Richard used the opportunity to race across the length of the spruce, using it like a bridge to cross the sticky net.

They heard of mountains so tall that you could not see a man from the top, and of tribes of fat people who ate nothing but fish, and of a forest near the ocean where the sun never shone and it rained for ten and twenty days without stopping, and they heard of a great fish that had gone up on the shore of the Great Water, a fish that had been longer even than the big wing-boat in which the white men had first arrived here.

When it rained, which was often, water seeped throughout the main room.

When it rained heavily, it came under threat of flood, and in some years flood waters overwhelmed the city.

Weapons rained down upon the black thing, but its hide protected it from harm.