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a. (alternative spelling of rainsoaked English)

Usage examples of "rain-soaked".

Grooms hurried along, leading war chargers with rain-soaked manes and stringy tails, empty stirrups flapping as they trotted by.

A small group of onlookers, gawking and talking in whispers, hovered on the edges of the rain-soaked yd. As Kerrie and be hustled from the car and up the front walk, Roman prayed he was wrong about Loverboy--that Bud Grimes had been killed by a revenge-seeking ex-con.

Kent police cars streaked down rain-soaked streets toward Biggin Hill Executive Airport.

All was silent now in the Rue des Arts, and in the grimy coffee-room of the Cruche Cassee two soldiers of the National Guard were lying bound and gagged, whilst three others were gaily laughing, and wiping their rain-soaked hand and faces.

The pimps and pushers and teenage hookers huddled in the juice bars and penny arcades, forlorn as rain-soaked cats.

He climbed the rain-soaked ratlines, negotiated the lubber's hole and trained his telescope north, but he could see nothing except a wind-broken sea and a mass of clouds on the horizon.

He climbed the rain-soaked ratlines, negotiated the lubber’s hole and trained his telescope north, but he could see nothing except a wind-broken sea and a mass of clouds on the horizon.

He made his way back to his rain-soaked mount, untethering it but not remounting just yet as he said, "I'm sorry about this too, pard.