n. (railway carriage English)
Usage examples of "railway carriages".
His interests ranged from upholstery materials for railway carriages to foundation creams for ladies, from cast-iron sluices suitable for septic tanks to breakfast cereals from England.
For example, smoking on railway carriages was forbidden long after smoking became a widespread custom in society.
Nell was moving down the aisle handing out mementos: silver bracelets made of tiny gleaming railway carriages for the women, onyx paperweights set with miniature engines for the men.
They had been tired sometimes, but they had slept heavily on the wooden seats of the railway carriages.
I found myself squeezing through holes in chainlink fences and picking my way between rusting railway carriages with broken windows.
They said Jewish couples made love in the tightly-crammed railway carriages on their way to Auschwitz, perhaps their subliminal way of attempting to cheat Death.
The reserve and communications trenches like railway carriages in the rush hour, and only Price's barked instructions keeping some thread of order.
The man wasn't safe - sticking forks in people and scattering tracts from railway carriages and accosting perfect strangers to see if they'd met Jesus lately, I ask you!