RailRadar is a live tracker shown on an interactive map which allowed users to watch movements of passenger trains running in India. All passenger trains in India are operated by state-owned Indian Railways. In the first release the location and status of trains shown on the map was typically 15 to 30 minutes delayed from real-time. RailRadar was an outcome of innovation where Indian Railways Center for Railway Information System (CRIS) and joined hands. and the service was launched on 10 October 2012. RailRadar uses Google Maps as its web mapping software. The software was accessible in the form of a website and a mobile app. RailRadar was discontinued by the Indian Railways, starting 6 September 2013. RailYatri relaunched RailRadar in November 2013. However the RailRadar service did not provide the actual running status or the actual location of the train, rather these locations were plotted based on the regular scheduled timetable.
RailYatri has now relaunched the site with RailRadar GPS in November 2015.‘RailRadar GPS’ uses location generated by a passengers’ smartphone, the solution requires zero capital expenditure in terms of GPS hardware costs. ‘RailRadar GPS’ determines the train location by analyzing the pattern of locations transmitted by the smartphone travelers sitting on the train, similar to how Google Maps determines the traffic on the road when you are using any road transport like a car or a bus. RailRadar GPS shows trains running tracking data neatly displayed on a Google Map. The map also indicates the on-current time status of trains. Trains running on time have Green indicators, while those running late are marked red. The link to new RailRadar link can be found at (1).