n. (obsolete spelling of reign English)
Usage examples of "raigne".
Acheron, and raigning in the deepe profundity of Stix, thou shalt worship me, as one that hath bin favourable to thee, and if I perceive that thou art obedient to my commandement, addict to my religion, and merite my divine grace, know thou, that I will prolong thy dales above the time that the fates have appointed, and the celestial Planets ordeined.
Westminster, the seventh day of February, in the seventh yeare of our raigne, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland.
Almighty GOD, the Father of all Mercies, bestowed vpon vs the people of England, when first he sent your Maiesties Royall person to rule and raigne ouer us.
For during Saturnes ancient raigne it's sayd,That all the world with goodnesse did abound:All loued vertue, no man was affraydOf force, ne fraud in wight was to be found:No warre was knowne, no dreadfull trompets sound,Peace vniuersall rayn'd mongst men and beasts,And all things freely grew out of the ground:Iustice sate high ador'd with solemne feasts,And to all people did diuide her dred beheasts.
But what art thou, รด Ladie, which doest raungeIn this wilde forrest, where no pleasure is,And doest not it for ioyous court exchaunge,Emongst thine equall peres, where happie blisAnd all delight does raigne, much more then this?
Thence, to the Circle of the Moone she clambe,Where Cynthia raignes in euerlasting glory,To whose bright shining palace straight she came,All fairely deckt with heauens goodly story:Whose siluer gates (by which there sate an horyOld aged Sire, with hower-glasse in hand,Hight Tyme) she entred, were he liefe or sory:Ne staide till she the highest stage had scand,VVhere Cynthia did sit, that neuer still did stand.