Raghaipur is a village situated in outskirts of Mirzapur and lies between Jigna and Gaipura Railway Station on the Howrah Delhi rail route. It is approximately 55 kilometres from Allahbad city and 28 kilometres from Mirzapur City. Vindyanchal Temple of Maa sarda is approximately 19 km from Raghaipur, the village is surrounded by many temples including one to lord Shiva who is locally known as lord Badevaranath. It is an ancient temple surrounded by the pond and garden having other famous temple of Ram-Janaki. To reach Raghaipur one has to reach Bihasara Bazar lying between Gaipura & Jigna on Jhansi-Mirzapur National Highway. Raghaipur is 2 km from Bihasara & one has to go on Bihasara to Nibi link road. This village is made up of people of many castes, but Brahmins(Upadhyay) are in majority. The main source of income is farming and agriculture. People who are involve in farming are hard working and they used to manage the irrigation of their farmland from their own resources viz. Tube well and Submersible pumps. Also, a dried lift canal bordered the village from east and south end. The village has one primary school and one Degree college respectively. Bihashara Bazar is the nearest market,where villagers purchase their daily requirements.Awadhi is the mother tongue of the villagers,besides this Hindi& English are used widely. The Village Is Divided Into To Gram Sabha- Jhasa Bagaura And Jigna Bari Address-Village-Raghaipur,P.O.-Jigna,Distt-Mirzapur, Mirzapur, India 231313