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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Rageful \Rage"ful\ (r[=a]j"f[.u]l), a. Full of rage; expressing rage. [Obs.] ``Rageful eyes.''
--Sir P. Sidney.


a. full of rage, enraged

Usage examples of "rageful".

She felt the now eerily familiar dichotomy of Riane's serene and thoughtful personality and Annon's fierce and rageful warrior spirit.

Sharp outcroppings and jagged edges scraped and struck her like a rageful enemy, bouncing her from side to side.

At the same instant a dozen red warriors leaped from the entrance of a nearby ersite palace, pursuing the abductor with naked swords and shouts of rageful warning.

To catch and mount one of these habitually rageful and intractable beasts was no child's play under the best of conditions.

She closes her eyes, reaching inward for the rageful strength that has carried her this far from the reservation.

The loud music of the foreign code logics from the andrones in the court crest with rageful intent, but no threat appears.

Still, I can identify joy, and rageful bitterness, and even amicable, slightly prurient curiosity.