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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Radiotelegraph \Ra`di*o*tel"e*graph\ (r[=a]`d[i^]*[o^]*t[e^]l"[-e]*gr[a^]f), n. [Radio- + telegraph.] A wireless telegraph.


n. wireless telegraphy vb. To communicate or transmit by wireless telegraphy.

  1. n. telegraphy that uses transmission by radio rather than by wire [syn: radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraphy]

  2. the use of radio to send telegraphic messages (usually by Morse code) [syn: radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraph, wireless telegraphy]

Usage examples of "radiotelegraph".

By salvaging the machine they had had the only functioning computer on Earth and, although sited deep in the jungle, it had been able to intercept the long-wave radiotelegraph broadcasts of those days and calculate predictions, especially trends in the switch-back rubber markets of the First World War.

In the midst of them all there is a statue to a man whose name I, at least, have never heard, a guy named Branly, whose pedestal proclaims him to be the father of the wireless communication, radiotelegraph, and television.

The message was short, and its radiotelegraph transmission took only nine minutes.