The electronic production of a visual image by ionising radiation on a radiation detector and displayed on a monitor or similar screen.
Usage examples of "radioscope".
The actual instruments, the dishes and antennas, the telescopes and lidarscopes and radioscopes and nanoscopes, were all installed on the other moonlet, safely away from the vibration and radiation of anything alive.
Chandidibya cares about minor problems like personnel staffing and retention - unless they adversely affect the operation of the thousand-meter radioscope, of course.
Milky Way with new radioscopes capable of the resolution of single stars.
The latest information on long-scale weather forecasting through direct observation of terrestrial jet-streams would not compare with radioscopes and proton storms.
He talked about Ceres and his work-- the radio plotting of the Milky Way with new radioscopes capable of the resolution of single stars.
The latest information on long-scale weather forecasting through direct observation of terrestrial jet streams would not compare with radioscopes and protonstorms.
A net of three light scopes, three radioscopes, three of everything, caught the fields of study from one another as they whirled past.