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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Her body was found the next February and a man, hospital radiographer Frederic Blancke, was charged with murder.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

radiograph \ra"di*o*graph\ (r[=a]"d[i^]*[-o]*gr[a^]f), v. t. To make a radiograph of. -- ra`di*og"ra*pher (r[=a]`d[i^]*[o^]g"r[.a]*f[~e]r), n.


n. (context rare English) Someone who works with radiography.


n. a person who makes radiographs


Radiographers, also known as Radiologic Technologists, Diagnostic Radiographers, Medical Radiation Technologists are Healthcare Professionals who specialise in the imaging of human anatomy for the diagnosis and treatment of pathology. Radiographers are infrequently, and almost always erroneously, known as X-Ray Technicians. In countries which use the title radiologic technologist they are often informally referred to as techs in the clinical environment; this phrase has emerged in popular culture such as television programmes.

Radiographers work in both public and private healthcare and can be physically located in any setting where appropriate diagnostic equipment is located, most frequently in hospitals. Their practice varies country to country and can even vary between hospitals in the same country.

Radiographers are represented by a variety of organisation worldwide, the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT) aims to give direction to the profession as a whole through collaboration with national representative bodies.

Usage examples of "radiographer".

She was twenty- one and pretty and she and the assistant radiographer spent all their free time together.

Sappha, at a imiling nod from Sister, removed the Baroness to a mall cubicle to make her ready, and presently wheeled her out once more to meet the radiographer and Mijnheer de Winter, who wrung her hand jelightedly and listened with relish while the Baroness recounted the rescue of the puppy.

The little party broke up, the social worker to go to her office, the radiographer to the X-ray room.

He was already beginning to moan and to open his eyes, and the radiographer was not hurrying.

She has been a radiographer, school secretary, information officer and industrial editor, as well as a writer.