n. (radio frequency English)
Usage examples of "radio frequencies".
It would have been a powerful signaling unit, automatically operated from the increasing energy source of its dying sun, that would transmit at ail known radio frequencies up to, perhaps, a distance of two light-years - signals that the spaceship crew of any other advanced technology would recognize as unmistakably artificial in origin.
But just to be on the safe side, monitor `em at radio frequencies.
I was told the shuttle couldn't help, but see if we have a satellite overhead that can reach them on VHF radio frequencies.
Electrons in the rotating magnetic field emit beamed radiation not only at radio frequencies but in visible light as well.
He ignored the request to set a new identification code and pointed his MiG-29 Fulcrum toward Anadyr, switching radio frequencies to Anadyr's command post.
The Krulchukor magnetic sense was indifferent to radio frequencies, just as human eyes were indifferent to ultraviolet light.