n. A person who practises the hobby of amateur radio. Radio amateurs must possess a licence issued by the relevant authority in the country in which they live, and must pass an exam before they can obtain a licence to operate.
Usage examples of "radio amateur".
Late or new check-ins will be called at the end of the regular roster, after which the net will be open to any radio amateur except the silly sidewinders, hi.
Probably some radio amateur south of the border, enclosing his radio QSL card to confirm a QSO, or two-way contact, with a fellow ham in the States.
One of the best sources of information on both television and radio broadcasting is the Radio Amateur's Handbook published by the American Radio Relay League, Newington, Conn.
From a saddlebag she produced The Radio Amateur's Handbook and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
Through a lonely radio amateur a mile from the village, they sent out Minott's theory on short waves.
The waveguide was constructed from wire salvaged from an old TV set and built following the directions in the Radio Amateur's Handbook.
But a radio amateur, a chap named Collins, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, could talk to Byrd.