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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Racket \Rack"et\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Racketed; p. pr. & vb. n. Racketing.]

  1. To make a confused noise or racket.

  2. To engage in noisy sport; to frolic.

  3. To carouse or engage in dissipation. [Slang]


vb. (en-past of: racket)

Usage examples of "racketed".

Freedom racketed about his whole being, demanding a test, demanding immediate action.

The thunder of the canvas was muted: it had boomed and racketed so he thought he would lose what he had left of his reason, and now it was an occasional spate of wind.

Patya stayed close by him while the storm wind blew and racketed about the canvas.

Tabini had insisted he ‘keep it close,’ while his mind racketed wildly between the absolute, unprecedented, and possibly policy changing warmth of Tabini’s gesture toward a human, and an immediate guilty panic considering his official position and his obligation to report to his own superiors.

He held Nokhada on a short rein, while gunfire racketed around him, aimed aloft.

A last willy-wisp racketed about the interior and ran out in desperation past Burn’s feet.

The truck’s engine racketed and snorted like an old man having a bad dream.

The engine coughed and racketed, then roared to life, the entire truck quaking.