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adv. Relating to race.


adv. with respect to race; "racially integrated"

Usage examples of "racially".

Urbanization around the world has generally marked a radical shift in environment and values from culturally homogenous small towns and rural areas to heterogenous, ethnically, culturally and even racially mixed cities.

Presumably this would mean that racially segregated schools could not receive voucher funds.

Special laws against homophobic and racially motivated crimes have already been passed in the United States.

Northern cities were busing children back and forth in an attempt to create racially mixed schools, despite the racial segregation in housing.

Coming from the eastward and northeastward, migratory peoples or groups of peoples, occasional clans or fragments of clans, racially mixed, partially civilized, would enter the Western Sudan in a long procession of invasion and settlement whose ordering and limits practically escape all knowledge.

Racially they were akin to the people they had been fighting for five years, for Caesar had culled them from the far side of the Padus River in Italian Gaul, where the people were the descendants of the Gauls who had fallen on Italia some centuries before.

The Yuchi, he points out, are racially and linguistically different from other North American tribes.

Civil War in which southern Negroes voted, elected blacks to state legislatures and to Congress, introduced free and racially mixed public education to the South.

Descended from generations victimised by the instruments of an arbitrary power, he was racially, nationally, and individually afraid of the police.

The Liberal Party itself was decimated by bannings and restrictions on its members in the 1960s, and it was dissolved in 1968 by legislation prohibiting racially mixed political gatherings.

Miscegenation and expansion into racially Europoid areas such as North Africa (and later the Middle East) tended to blur this, as did the decline of immigration and the hardening of the caste system.

Many Filipinos are, racially, almost pure Chinese even though their families have been living here for centuries.

Soon the two were enthusiastically discussing the merits of racially segregated education, the unacceptability of mixed marriages and the impossibility of allowing non-whites to vote.