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n. (plural of racehorse English)

Usage examples of "racehorses".

I knew anything about was the training of racehorses, and that only from observation, not from hands-on experience.

Koningin Beatrix means Queen Beatrix, as in Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and they frown on people naming racehorses after royal persons.

I thought, would be good enough for me: but most racehorses could jump if started patiently over low obstacles like logs.

Claudius let him return only if he promised to stay out of sight, so Tigellinus bred racehorses in southern Italy.

During the last two, while he was successfully working towards his A levels and university entrance, he spent all breaks either riding racehorses - he won three steeplechases - or skiing, in which sport he won a European under-18 downhill race.

But then that was nothing to go by, the thin ones, like racehorses, were often the stayers.

All the flat racehorses from the track have gone south to the Caucasus for the winter.

The Beach is hoping to attract 2,600 top racehorses from around the world.