Raccards are traditional granaries that can be found in parts of the Minho, north of Portugal ( Espigueiro), Swiss Alps (usually in Valais) and in the Italian Alps (in the Lys Valley and in Ayas).
These structures are built above ground and are supported by wooden stilts. A circular stone slab, forming an overhang, is intercalated between the stilts and the granary to prevent rodents from gaining access to the grain or fodder reserves.
image:Raccard.JPG|Raccards in Saas-Fee image:Grimentz-Raccard (1).jpg|Raccard in Grimentz - a view of the stone slabs which prevent rodent incursions. image:Rascard à Barmasc (Ayas).JPG|Rascard in Ayas, northern Italy
Category:Agricultural buildings