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Račak (; ) is a village in the Štimlje municipality of Kosovo located at . It became notorious in January 1999 after 45 villagers were killed by Serb forces.

Prior to the summer of 1998, Račak had a population of around 2,000 people. Most of its population was displaced by fighting between government security forces and guerrillas from the Kosovo Liberation Army in July 1998. By January 1999, about 350 people had returned to the village, according to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). On 16 January 1999, OSCE monitors found the bodies of 45 people in and around the village in what became widely known as the Račak massacre. Following the incident, for which the international community blamed the security forces, the remaining population fled and did not return until the end of the Kosovo War in June 1999.

  1. redirect Račak