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rabbit brush

n. pleasantly aromatic shrub having erect slender flexible hairy branches and dense clusters of small yellow flowers covering vast areas of western alkali plains and affording a retreat for jackrabbits; source of a yellow dye used by the Navajo [syn: rabbit bush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus]

Usage examples of "rabbit brush".

But Sarna made it come alive, giving names to the scrub - greasewood, honey mesquite, rabbit brush -directing our eyes toward rare oases of activity - a flock of birds feasting upon a bitter cherry bush, an alligator lizard scurrying across the spines of a fan palm - extolling the beauty of a single, time-ravaged digger pine, describing the savagery of a hard winter in the high desert and the resilience of those creatures that survive.

They'd tethered the four ponies to some rabbit brush on the downwind side of their rise.

Cottontails, mule deer, and, if she were lucky, a coyote, flickered through the gray branches of the rabbit brush.

The highway wound along the Rio Grande amid rabbit brush and wild flowers.

Though he couldn't see Diane, he knew she was around, watching, probably from behind one of the clumps of rabbit brush, or inside the arroyo looking out with the night scope.