Raagam is a 1975 Indian Malayalam film, directed by A. Bhim Singh and produced by NP Ali. The film stars Sharada, Lakshmi, Sukumari, Adoor Bhasi, Jose Prakash and Master Natraj in lead roles. The film had musical score by Salil Chowdhary. It was a blockbuster movie remake of Hindi film Anuraag (starring Ashok Kumar, Nuthan, Mousumi Chaterjee and Vinod Mehra).
Raagam is an Indian niche radio channel owned and operated by Prasar Bharati. The channel was launched on the Republic Day on 26 January 2016. Raagam is programmed to offer and devoted to classical music. The channel is a 24-hour internet radio channel, which represents a mosaic of Hindustani and Carnatic classical music through DTH facility.
Raagam was launched at a function in Bengaluru on 26 January 2016. The channel was in the Public Domain with AIR's Mobile App, ’All India Radio Live' which made available on Android, iOS and Windows platforms from 6 PM on 26 January 2016.