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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Cesar threw half a dozen steering wheels, spinning like quoits, and then the saddle.
▪ The Monday is the traditional day for the quoits match between local teams.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quoit \Quoit\ (kwoit or koit), n. [OE. coite; cf. OF. coitier to spur, press, (assumed) LL. coctare, fr. L. coquere, coctum, to cook, burn, vex, harass, E. cook, also W. coete? a quoit.]

    1. A flattened ring-shaped piece of iron, to be pitched at a fixed object in play; hence, any heavy flat missile used for the same purpose, as a stone, piece of iron, etc.

    2. pl. A game played with quoits.

  1. The discus of the ancients. See Discus.

  2. A cromlech. [Prov. Eng.]
    --J. Morley.


Quoit \Quoit\, v. i. To throw quoits; to play at quoits.

To quoit, to run, and steeds and chariots drive.


Quoit \Quoit\, v. t. To throw; to pitch. [Obs. or R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "curling stone," of uncertain origin, perhaps from Old French coite "flat stone" (with which the game was originally played), literally "cushion," variant of coilte (see quilt (n.)). Quoits were among the games prohibited by Edward III and Richard II to encourage archery. In reference to a heavy flat iron ring (and the tossing game played with it) it is recorded from mid-15c.


n. 1 A flat disc of metal or stone thrown at a target in the game of quoits. 2 A ring of rubber or rope similarly used in the game of deck-quoits. 3 the flat stone covering a cromlech. 4 The discus used in ancient sports. vb. To play at quoits.


n. game equipment consisting of a ring of iron or circle of rope used in the game of quoits


Quoit may refer to:

  • Quoit, a single-chambered megalithic tomb, also called a Dolmen
  • Quoit (brooch), a pre-medieval type of brooch
  • A ring used in the game of quoits
  • Chakram, a weapon sometimes called a war-quoit
  • Quoit, Cornwall, a location in England
  • Quoit Green, a location in Derbyshire, England

Usage examples of "quoit".

Raising his right arm with remarkable speed, he expertly spun a silver hoop around his raised index finger, then sent it whizzing through the air at Komananov, who flinched involuntarily only seconds before the razor-sharp quoit sliced through the blue-steel muzzle of her Makarov, halting its destructive flight only centimeters from her own gloved knuckles.

When she was near, the quoit flew from his arm with a stronger whirl, and his steps approached more swiftly to the destined goal.

Here a few shepherds, apart from the rest, flung the ponderous quoit that sung along the air.

His eyes are to be fixed upon the quoit which will be here, at this end of the canvas, opposite him.

Simply his hand, holding the quoit, will be faintly suggested, and the light allowed to fall through it.

Had I descried a quoit there about to descend upon me I should have been rather pleased than not.

Scarecrow and Jack Pumpkinhead were still playing at quoits in the courtyard when the game was interrupted by the abrupt entrance of the Royal Army of Oz, who came flying in without his hat or gun, his clothes in sad disarray and his long beard floating a yard behind him as he ran.

Majesty continued to throw the quoits as coolly as if no danger threatened his throne, but the Pumpkinhead, having caught sight of Tip, ambled toward the boy as fast as his wooden legs would go.

Old Coutts had gone up to bed with neuralgia, and Daphne and William were playing quoits tennis out of sight of the front door.

Poogie, the Bear, and the Goat played endless games of quoits on the deck, and argued constantly about the rules, especially when the Goat was losing.

He nodded to me democratically as he cast the heavy plates around as though he were pitching quoits or hurling the discus.

She refuses the swimming pool, the quoits, the badminton, the endless, pointless games.

I suggest we settle this at Quoits, Sir, Megs at forty Feet, Ringers only.

He heard then a warm heavy sigh, softer, as she turned over and the loose brass quoits of the bedstead jingled.

Our spirits have not flagged, as, thanks to various small games such as pitch-and-toss, running races when the ship was rolling, quoits, and cards, we have not found time unbearably long.