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QuizQuiz (video game)

QuizQuiz was a massively multiplayer online quiz game created by Nexon which used a super deformed type anime graphical style to portray the players and the few environments or NPCs it contained. The game was released as a free beta download off of the Nexon Inc. website but was later discontinued in North America due to low playerbase. The game remained available in South Korea, Japan, and Singapore but the Singapore and Japan servers were later shut down as well in December 2004.


Quizquiz or Quisquis was, along with Chalcuchimac and Rumiñawi, one of Atahualpa's leading generals. In April 1532, along with his companions, Quizquiz led the armies of Atahualpa to victory in the battles of Mullihambato, Chimborazo and Quipaipan, where he, along with Chalkuchimac defeated and captured Huáscar and promptly killed his family, seizing capital Cuzco. Quizquiz later commanded Atahualpa's troops in the battles of Vilcaconga, Cuzco (both 1533) and Maraycalla (1534), ultimately being bested by the Spanish forces in both accounts.

After the ensuing battles, Quizquiz fled further into the safety of the Andean mountains, but his forces soon demanded that he accept the Spanish demands, and, it being planting season, that they be able to return to their families. Quizquiz refused, and his war-weary troops eventually killed him in 1535.