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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quiver \Quiv"er\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Quivered (kw[i^]v"[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Quivering.] [Cf. Quaver.] To shake or move with slight and tremulous motion; to tremble; to quake; to shudder; to shiver.

The green leaves quiver with the cooling wind.

And left the limbs still quivering on the ground.


Quivered \Quiv"ered\ (kw[i^]v"[~e]rd), a.

  1. Furnished with, or carrying, a quiver. ``Like a quivered nymph with arrows keen.''

  2. Sheathed, as in a quiver. ``Whose quills stand quivered at his ear.''

  1. 1 Furnished with, or carrying, a quiver for arrows. 2 sheath, as in a quiver. v

  2. (en-past of: quiver)

Usage examples of "quivered".

Helene looked at them, and quivered amidst the benumbing drowsiness which little by little seemed to fall upon the whole house.

Adam wondered if Billie saw how her mouth quivered at the corner and the panic in her eyes.

The slim, hairy body quivered with fear, but the great macrocephalic head wove back and forth, jutting and staring in defiance.

The silent microseismographs quivered faintly, recording the vibrations created by its impact.

The combat car, which weighed thirty-two tonnes, quivered only minutely as it spread the Molt between the ground and the steel skirt of the plenum chamber.

The sun had gone down, the dusk was creeping on, and against the dark of the north there was a shimmer of fire--a fire that leapt and quivered about the Paternoster Rocks.

In the Mannschenn Drive Room the complexity of spinning gyroscopes precessed, tumbled, quivered on the very edge of invisibility, pulling the ship and all her people with them down the dark dimensions, through the warped continuum, down and along the empty immensities of the rim of space.

The pyrometers tripped, the safety switches were thrown, and the plane quivered as its driving force vanished.

She almost shuddered, picturing Dick Rosier, square-jawed westerner whose wife quivered into silence at a look from him.

The men, with their burden, ascended by the light of lanterns, the sick man was laid in the cabin, and, as soon as his bearers had returned to the shore, the gangway was removed, a rope was heard skirring over wood in the darkness, the yacht quivered, spread her woven wings to the air, and moved away.

Still on his feet, though the rocks on the hillsides continued to wail, and the ground quivered like a horse with a stinging fly, he ripped his sword from the scabbard.

A few of the torches still flared in their sockets, the phosphorescent glow throbbed and quivered, and the river flowed with an almost articulate muttering, scintillant with undreamed radiances.

Involuntarily upturned the large eye, over which now quivered an undropped tear.

The heroic embrace of a multitude of iron hands, gripping deep into the brown, warm flesh of the land that quivered responsive and passionate under this rude advance, so robust as to be almost an assault, so violent as to be veritably brutal.

Madame Angelin quivered and closed her eyes as if to escape the spectacle of all the terrifying things that she evoked, the wretchedness, the shame, the crimes that she elbowed during her continual perambulations through that hell of poverty, vice, and hunger.