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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quinze \Quinze\, n. [F.] A game at cards in which the object is to make fifteen points.


n. An old French card game of Spanish origin, players attempting to make fifteen points.


Quinze, Quince, also known as Ace-low, is a 17th-century French card game of Spanish origin that was much patronized in some parts of Europe. It is considered a forerunner of the French Vingt-et-un, a game very popular at the court of Louis XV, and also a two-player simplification of the modern game of Blackjack.

Usage examples of "quinze".

Vers trois heures du matin on voulut bien encore le remplacer, et il monta a son cabinet ou, apres avoir retire habit et gilet, il atteignit une vieille valise en cuir, qui ne lui avait pas servi depuis quinze ans.

They proposed a game of quinze, which I accepted, and after losing fifty louis I left off, and we walked about the town till dinner-time.

He proposed a little game of quinze, and his mistress asked me to be her partner.

After supper the duchess arranged a game of quinze with the two Englishmen and the two Saxons.

French school, and discerned the merit of the Lepautres and Lavallee-Poussins and the rest of the great obscure creators of the Genre Louis Quinze and the Genre Louis Seize.

Even as Alex watched, the tentacled monster produced a small bottle which he opened and wafted gently before his nose like a disdainful dandy of the Louis Quinze period on Earth.

Louis Quinze cane, and taking a step towards the sombre prison archway.

Louis Quinze chair whose two seraphim keened above a dark lawn of green velvet.

His father tries to express his love, but the furniture is still hideous, false Louis Quinze or whatever was the equivalent in those days, the same pictures of good living are on the walls, he is shocked more than ever by the servility of the servants and the luxury of the food, and he begins to remember the companionship he found in the poverty of the pig farm.

It contained a Louis Quinze reception-room, an Empire drawing-room, a Jacobean dining-room, and various apartments dimly reminiscent of the styles of furniture affected by deceased monarchs.

It contained a gold organ with robot organist by Tiffany, a gold-tooled library with android librarian on library ladder, a Louis Quinze desk with android secretary before a manual memo-bead recorder, an American bar with robot bartender.

Sound became sound and he heard the android secretary tapping the manual bead-recorder at the Louis Quinze desk.

Chinese vases and an ornate Louis Quinze table supported by gilded cherubs.

I had made out of old ice bags, and Beryl, my wife, was seated at my feet on a low Louis Quinze tabouret which she had made out of a Finnan Haddie fishbox, when the idea of a bungalow came to both of us at the same time.

Le jeune homme qui commence son education quinze ans apres son pere, a une epoque ou celui-ci, engage dans une profession speciale et active, ne peut que suivre les anciens principes, acquiert une superiorite theorique dont on doit tenir compte dans la hierarchie sociale.