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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But there is evidence that certain athletes are able to maintain a state of physiological quietude in the most trying circumstances.
▪ Do this, and you will find in a railway station much of the quietude and consolation of a cathedral.
▪ In cancer, for example, it is the frantic growth of cells that seems important, not their periods of quietude.
▪ Or does his quietude imply he is a crafty opportunist hoping the crown will fall into his lap?
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quietude \Qui"e*tude\, n. [L. quietudo: cf. F. qui['e]tude.] Rest; repose; quiet; tranquillity.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from Middle French quiétude (c.1500) or directly from Late Latin quietudo, from Latin quietus (see quiet (n.)).


n. tranquillity


n. a state of peace and quiet [syn: tranquillity, tranquility, quietness]


Quietude is a live album by Canadian guitarist Lenny Breau, released posthumously in 1985.

Originally released on LP in 1985, it was remastered and reissued in 1995 on the Guitarchives label as Live at Bourbon St. with additional tracks.

Usage examples of "quietude".

The stroke which had prostrated the body, which reduced the vigorous, active frame to an awful statue--like stillness--a quietude as of death of itself--had not overclouded the intellect.

And, almost immediately, she began to feel a quietude of spirit, as if something delicate descended upon her, and lay lightly about her, shrouding her from the troubles of the world.

Her eyes were closed and there was that masklike quietude in her face which he could understand.

The whittles were opposed to quietude and constitutionally incapable of contentment.

The courtiers of the prince murmured among themselves like a breeze through fields of barley, and in this solemn quietude, the Each Uisge broke into a horse-laugh, coarse and savage.

All around him, the disturbed forest had fallen silent, but after a moment the normal little chirrings of the night resumed, and the Dark Elf let out his breath in a relieved sigh, calming his Power back into quietude.

The guns, the quietude, the serenity of those old geezers, and the idiotic TV program, the enthralled children without a care in the world--it had upset him, he couldn't get his bearings straight.

And there had been also a quietude that had lapped about the TreeStar offices, just as it had lapped about Buckland Employment and Style-On Salon and North Oaks Tree Service and the Colorado Department of Vital Records—.

The sight of the stars in their quietude and utterness eased that pain yet exacerbated anxiety.