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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cry quietly/softly
▪ People sat crying softly among the wreckage.
live peacefully/quietly/happily etc
▪ The two communities live peacefully alongside each other.
▪ She thought that she would get married and live happily ever after like in a children’s story.
▪ Some people like to live dangerously.
▪ Most elderly people prefer to live independently if they can.
quietly confident
▪ He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time.
▪ He was weeping quietly, allowing the tears to run down his cheeks.
sit quietly (=without talking)
▪ Mac sat quietly in the back of the car.
▪ He is quietly confident that there will be no problems this time.
▪ As an actor, Poitier was quite effective in his understated, quietly confident way.
▪ Wise Speke is quietly confident that Whessoe has made a good deal for its longer term development.
▪ Then she moved a little in front, quietly confident now, the Rabari genius embodied in her.
▪ Chief Inspector Berret was quietly confident.
▪ We were quietly confident that whatever might happen to Hsu Fu we would be able to give the raft the best chance.
▪ Rover, too, is quietly confident.
▪ Red Rock West is a slow-burn thriller, wry and dry, implausible and quietly confident about itself.
▪ His cooperation over the Dayton agreement led to talk of war crimes charges being quietly dropped, only to resurface over Kosovo.
▪ One day he was quietly dropped.
▪ It would be in everyone's interests if the plans were quietly dropped.
▪ A familiar Dream Team face dropped quietly into town on Monday, and another will be seen on Tuesday.
▪ Knowing that our minds are elsewhere, banks and building societies will quietly drop the rates on our savings account.
▪ But the least bad option for Britain would be for the project of Emu itself to be quietly dropped.
▪ She heard him drop quietly on the other side, and draw the bolt.
▪ Critics claim that the courts in effect quietly dropped the just desserts policy two years ago.
▪ I went below, then took off my shoes and went quietly up the other stairs to watch him.
▪ Intel judged the flaw to be minor, hid the truth from customers and quietly went about correcting the problem.
▪ When the message came, he left the smithy and went quietly up to the castle.
▪ Richard Lamm, who believes seniors owe it to the nation to go quietly, inexpensively and soon.
▪ She used her key and went quietly into the house.
▪ But not all well-off, high-profile defendants go quietly.
▪ She liked to go quietly, not ask too many questions, never to interfere.
▪ Instead, she quietly went to her local doctor for anti-inflammatory drugs.
▪ Then Sandison laughed quietly and Maidstone smiled.
▪ Jim Feng laughed quietly: a monotone chuckling.
▪ The man got on to the ship, and talked and laughed quietly with his friends.
▪ She laughs quietly to herself, as if she is remembering some family story, then looks sad.
▪ Just quietly leave a picture of Danniella Westbrook's disintegrating nose on the kitchen table.
▪ Put three movie fans in front of the computer, start the game and quietly leave.
▪ And in the morning she would pack up and quietly leave, would never see this disturbing family again.
▪ Peter flipped one to Jim and quietly left the room.
▪ Candotti nodded once and then again, as though confirming something, and left quietly.
▪ If on the other hand they wished him to go, he should be told immediately so that the could leave quietly.
▪ They left quietly when asked but their pictures gave fun to the newspapers.
▪ After my friends had left quietly, some two hours later, I undressed and tumbled into bed.
▪ I lay quietly, to see what would happen next.
▪ It would be so much better to have cots down there, so that we could lie quietly while the planes passed.
▪ He was able to lie quietly and calmly without feeling guilt-ridden about his idleness.
▪ I lay quietly on my bed most of the day, and Charlotte sat in the next room writing.
▪ He lay quietly for a long while, getting his bearings, remembering how he came to be in this bed.
▪ It was a dark night and she lay quietly until she was satisfied that her parents were asleep.
▪ The child lay quietly against his chest, on the brink of sleep and so obviously relishing their closeness.
▪ Afterwards, they lay quietly together, wrapped in each other's arms, smiling a little, totally at peace.
▪ He retired to live quietly at first at Oatlands Park, maintaining his religious Nonconformity.
▪ A lawn-mowing, mall-shopping, jeep-commuting suburbanite, he lives quietly in Acton with his wife and two sons and shuns publicity.
▪ In recent years, Bradman lived quietly in an Adelaide suburb, protecting his privacy and rarely venturing out.
▪ Now Mr Ghazala lives quietly and writes books in Cairo.
▪ He continued his travels, but for the most part lived quietly in Sussex.
▪ The family lived quietly in their house.
▪ He lived quietly in Nuremberg for a further seventeen years until his death in 1634.
▪ After a few years' disgrace they were back living quietly but comfortably in Moscow.
▪ She moved quietly, her bony old hands precise and efficient.
▪ I moved quietly and slowly, pressing myself against the outer wall of the building.
▪ He loves his back-seat role, moving quietly up and down the lines, constantly persuading and cajoling.
▪ The bills quietly moved through legislative committees and were adopted by both chambers on the final night of the session.
▪ Then moving quietly along the landing in his bare feet, he came to Jenny's bedroom door.
▪ Marion Aluinn moved quietly away from behind the doorpost.
▪ The firing continued for another hour, and I moved quietly through the trees to the shore.
▪ His lips were moving quietly as he mouthed to himself what he would do if ever he had Corbett in his power.
▪ Then we asked the students to sit quietly with their eyes closed and think about the costs.
▪ They sit quietly on the locker-room benches, their faces solemn, their eyes averted.
▪ But one evening - a full hour before her usual meal - I sat quietly in the armchair, reading.
▪ I sat quietly and listened to their exchange.
▪ When you finish, sit quietly for several moments, at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes opened.
▪ At their services they sat quietly, eyes lowered and hands folded, waiting for the Spirit to prompt some one to speak.
▪ The girl sat quietly in the sunshine for a few minutes.
▪ So they could sit quietly adding block after block to various buildings they were constructing.
▪ When I got up to go to bed, I saw Emily sitting quietly by the fire.
▪ Linda turns to John, who, eggs long finished, has been sitting quietly.
▪ Police eyebrows were raised when they described how they prayed sitting quietly in a circle.
▪ I looked down at the two ships sitting quietly on the ground.
▪ Sammy, who had been sitting quietly by their feet, jumped up and began barking.
▪ Cross-country running did you good; and haddock; and sitting quietly in deck-chairs.
▪ Yuan was sitting quietly behind him.
▪ He was sitting quietly, drinking his tea.
▪ She got up and slipped quietly out of the door.
▪ Then he kissed my forehead and quietly slipped out of the room.
▪ Theda slipped quietly into the house, leaving them to their quarrel.
▪ It was no longer possible to slip quietly by, and we walked within open range of the farms.
▪ He wasn't doing any showing off when he slipped quietly away into Orrie's shed.
▪ Harriet hesitated, then her natural impatience won the day and she slipped quietly towards the exit.
▪ I slipped quietly across the courtyard, pushed open the door and stepped into the darkness.
▪ The following day Agrippa announced we would leave and we slipped quietly out of Nottingham and took the road south.
▪ Miklós, in his middle fifties, is a tall, quietly spoken but imposing figure, very self-possessed.
▪ Sadlowski spoke quietly, moderately, as if he was the statesman and not McBride.
▪ The man spoke quietly to the horse, soothing it.
▪ She was speaking quietly, and there were screams in the background, along with the unmistakable sound of children crying.
▪ Horowitz had spoken quietly, the words spaced out.
▪ Father and Edna spoke quietly about the park, the tourists, and mentioned some veterans' gatherings and the World Series.
▪ He was, however, quietly spoken, and also very humorous.
▪ As she assembled the supplies, he spoke quietly from the next room. ` I think a rib broke.
▪ He was standing quietly and hadn't spoken at all.
▪ One of them quietly stands up, bows to the other, and then gets off alone at his stop.
▪ Three young Arabs got out and stood quietly talking together.
▪ Among those watching the Fremont Street Experience are dozens of children, including the one who stands quietly near Elvis.
▪ Tallis just stood quietly, cloak around her shoulders, iron-bladed spear held in two hands.
▪ A comrade loosened his grasp, and his faithful gray stood quietly...
▪ Different types of customer Stand quietly for about five minutes in any busy shop and study the different shoppers.
▪ He stood quietly and watched the boxes being unloaded.
▪ They stayed there, talking quietly together until Annunziata came in to lay the table.
▪ Claude and Ruth were talking quietly with Pat, who sat cross-legged on the sofa.
▪ He passed the Post Office, where a young black man, tall and well dressed, stood talking quietly to himself.
▪ Everyone else in the tent talked quietly, keeping a space around the mourning man.
▪ He didn't talk quietly - he shouted at me.
▪ Instead, we teach our children to talk quietly, to talk less, and to stay out of the way.
▪ That way his head is right next to John's, and they can talk quietly.
▪ The two companies had been talking quietly since April.
▪ In the prison Justine waited quietly for death.
▪ Lou Taylor remembered seeing an older resident just sitting, by the doorway of her house, quietly waiting.
▪ I was instructed not to be too early - to wait quietly outside the entrance and not make a nuisance of myself.
▪ Ranulf stood watch while they waited quietly for the man to die.
▪ She waited quietly, and then looked down the road.
▪ Just after a quarter to one, I came to the pipe and waited quietly in its shadow.
▪ Usually he just sat at his desk and waited quietly for four o'clock to come, when he could go home.
▪ He was just quietly walking into the wall, while the rest of us stood around in an awkward half-circle.
▪ The guy he was referring to was walking quietly to-ward us, a sergeant wearing a white helmet and bright armbands.
▪ In choked desolation, she watched him walk quietly to the door and let himself out.
▪ I have been prepared for defeat, have welcomed failure, and have quietly walked away from every enterprise that engaged me.
▪ Feeling shaken and hurt, she walked quietly upstairs.
▪ He turned off the light, walked quietly to the stairs, and started up.
▪ A number of people were walking quietly to and fro, studying the architecture, referring to guide-books and conversing in low voices.
▪ I can now walk quietly except for a low, muffled crunching under my footsteps.
▪ I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes.
▪ He worked quietly behind her, one and a-two, breathing through his nose.
▪ He found her quietly working in her office, surveying the extent of her financial empire on a monitor screen.
▪ After five several family members were there, and it was hard to work quietly.
▪ "I'm sorry," she said quietly.
▪ The meeting was quietly arranged to avoid reporters.
▪ Compared with them, however, Harry possessed one crucial advantage: the right to decide that he would not go quietly.
▪ I moved quietly and slowly, pressing myself against the outer wall of the building.
▪ I sat quietly and listened to their exchange.
▪ Insects, worn out after a night of chirping, were quietly asleep.
▪ The film is quietly handed over to the Flag Day chairman, and his office distributes it.
▪ The patrol moves quietly from its position of all-round defence.
▪ When he wins, he looks quietly pleased.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quietly \Qui"et*ly\, adv.

  1. In a quiet state or manner; without motion; in a state of rest; as, to lie or sit quietly.

  2. Without tumult, alarm, dispute, or disturbance; peaceably; as, to live quietly; to sleep quietly.

  3. Calmly, without agitation or violent emotion; patiently; as, to submit quietly to unavoidable evils.

  4. Noiselessly; silently; without remark or violent movement; in a manner to attract little or no observation; as, he quietly left the room.


adv. In a quiet manner.

  1. adv. with low volume; "speak softly but carry a big stick"; "she spoke quietly to the child"; "the radio was playing softly" [syn: softly] [ant: loudly]

  2. with little or no sound; "the class was listening quietly and intently"; "she was crying quietly" [ant: noisily]

  3. with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly'); "her hands rested quietly in her lap"; "the rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "sit here as quiet as you can" [syn: quiet] [ant: unquietly]

  4. in a restful manner; "the streets are restfully sunny and still for the town is at mass" [syn: restfully]

Quietly (album)

Quietly is the third studio album by the atmospheric sludge metal band Mouth of the Architect. Recorded at Red Room Recording and Woodshed Studios in Seattle, WA, it was released on Translation Loss Records on 22 July 2008.

Following the departure of Gregory Lahm, original guitarist Alex Vernon returned to the band alongside new guitarist Steve Brooks. Kevin Schindel joined as permanent bassist. This left Watkins and Mann as the sole remaining members who recorded previous album The Ties That Blind. "Generation of Ghosts" features vocals by Julie Christmas ( Battle of Mice, Made Out of Babies).

The album was released on gatefold CD, limited edition 300 translucent and rainbow splatter double LP and limited edition 700 solid black and white swirl double LP.

Quietly (song)

"Quietly" is the third and final single from the Guano Apes third album, Walking on a Thin Line. Like the previous single, Pretty in Scarlet, it charted at No. 51 in Germany. The single contains two previously unreleased songs, "Cream Over Moon" and "Allies", as well as previously unreleased live versions of " You Can't Stop Me" and "Pretty In Scarlet". It also contains an internet link giving exclusive access to the music video, a 'making of' feature for the music video, band members' statements and a live recording of Quietly. Rock Hard magazine called the song an incredibly gripping ballad.

The music video shows the band performing in a field during the day. Once night falls, explosions and bursts of flame surround the band as they perform. Footage of the band playing is intercut with shots of Sandra Nasić walking near a cliff and through the field in a white dress.


Quietly may refer to:

  • Quietly, play by Owen McCafferty about a pub bombing in Northern Ireland, 2012
  • Quietly (album), album by Mouth of the Architect, 2008
  • "Quietly" (song), single by the Guano Apes
  • Quietly (company), content marketing company

Usage examples of "quietly".

He must needs weave his phantasy into some quietly melancholy fabric of didactic or allegorical cast, in which his meekly resigned cynicism may display with naive moral appraisal the perfidy of a human race which he cannot cease to cherish and mourn despite his insight into its hypocrisy.

She stood quietly in the semi-darkness, illuminated by the glow of dozens of precisely imaged, hovering galaxies, watching and listening as the two most intelligent beings she had ever met in her life conversed in a steady hum of words, whistles, and clicks with an oversized insectoid who gleamed like an ambulatory topaz and smelled of orchids and vanilla.

Heinders, but the watching public had taken it comparatively quietly, seemingly more interested in watching the antics of their representatives in the hall below than encouraging any particularly partisan opinion now that a decision had been reached.

Leaving Andre and his two followers, he went quietly up the slope, to assure himself that the artilleryman was still there.

Johnson, partly from a desire to see it play more freely, and partly from that inclination to activity which will animate, at times, the most inert and sluggish mortal, took a long pole which was lying on a bank, and pushed down several parcels of this wreck with painful assiduity, while I stood quietly by, wondering to behold the sage thus curiously employed, and smiling with an humorous satisfaction each time when he carried his point.

A green status light lit up immediately, and the voice that had so recently echoed from the annunciators spoke quietly in his ear.

By quietly persevering in sustained nonthinking meditative attentiveness, we come to a new groundedness within ourselves.

Watson knew, was to stand from his chair, ease the man quietly from the office, lock the door, and hope Ballenger would not come back.

The baronet allowed her to revel in the proclamation of a dire future, and quietly counselled her to keep apart from him, which his sister assured him she would do.

But Captain Krausa listened quietly, then answered with real poetryhe accused the Losian of every crime from barratry to mopery and dopery in the spaceways.

Although, as a general case, a ship unlucky in falling in with whales continues to cruise after them until she has barely sufficient provisions remaining to take her home, turning round then quietly and making the best of her way to her friends, yet there are instances when even this natural obstacle to the further prosecution of the voyage is overcome by headstrong captains, who, bartering the fruits of their hard-earned toils for a new supply of provisions in some of the ports of Chili or Peru, begin the voyage afresh with unabated zeal and perseverance.

It was best that Josiah Bartram should remain quietly dead and buried.

He quietly cursed all those he felt responsible for his presence here: Cabe Bedlam, the Lady of the Amber, Azran Bedlam, the Gryphon, the cowardly Dragon Kingseveryone but himself.

Bette leaned over to whisper to Harriet who quietly hurried out of the sanctuary while Bette continued.

King John thought Sir Bedivere would attack the farmers empty-handed, but Sir Guillam and Sir Blays held his arms and talked quietly and urgently to him, until the killing glare had faded from his eyes.