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quiet down

vb. 1 (context intransitive US English) To become quieter 2 (context intransitive US English) To reduce intensity of an activity. 3 (context transitive US English) To make someone or something become quieter.

quiet down

v. become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the speaker entered" [syn: quieten, hush, quiet, quiesce, pipe down] [ant: louden]

Usage examples of "quiet down".

It is so quiet down in West Eighteenth Street at such an hour that you can hear yourself think, and in fact I hear myself thinking very plain that I am a big sap to be on a job like this, especially with a baby, but I keep going just the same, which shows you what a very big sap I am, indeed.

Bo waited for her bawling to quiet down to moaning and then to whimpering.

As both began to quiet down, a singular presence slipped forward out of his chair.