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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sb's pulse quickens (=starts to beat faster)
▪ He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.
the pace quickens/accelerates
▪ The pace of change is quickening.
▪ Her heart quickened to see it; she had imagined the resort often, of course, but without actually picturing it.
▪ The sight of Gustave Eiffel's soaring pyramid makes the visitor's heart quicken.
▪ My heart quickens when I see him.
▪ Claudia's heart thudded fiercely and she felt Roman's heart quicken in response.
▪ Her thoughts were growing darker: occasionally one would cause her heart to quicken its beat and then quieten again.
▪ As the pace began to quicken and the complicated threads of the chant began to rise Rincewind found himself watching fascinated.
▪ Hughes went past without acknowledging him, his pace quickening.
▪ However, the pace of decline has quickened in the post-war period.
▪ This weakness is particularly evident early in the book, but it fortunately gives way when the pace quickens.
▪ Local organizational clout started to tell as the pace of the primaries quickened.
▪ He doubted if his pulse had even quickened as he killed.
▪ He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.
▪ As a result, Liz's pulse quickens and her blood pressure rises.
▪ She felt his breathing quicken and the beat of his heart.
▪ She could feel her breathing quicken.
▪ Claudia's heart thudded fiercely and she felt Roman's heart quicken in response.
▪ I asked first about my bag and felt my breathing quicken when the chief seemed unable to find my deposition.
▪ He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.
▪ Vincent felt his heartbeat quicken, and tightened his grip on Lily's hand.
▪ You feel a quickening in the undertow.
▪ Interest in the idea has quickened recently.
▪ He quickened his pace to try and intercept her but the crowds on the pavement and the traffic on the street intervened.
▪ It is not just the pace of testing that is quickening.
▪ She found she was sweating and her breathing had quickened.
▪ Suddenly his heart beat faster and he quickened his pace, in the grip of dreadful panic.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quicken \Quick"en\, v. i.

  1. To come to life; to become alive; to become vivified or enlivened; hence, to exhibit signs of life; to move, as the fetus in the womb.

    The heart is the first part that quickens, and the last that dies. -- Ray.

    And keener lightnings quicken in her eye.

    When the pale and bloodless east began To quicken to the sun.

  2. To move with rapidity or activity; to become accelerated; as, his pulse quickened.


Quicken \Quick"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. quickened; p. pr. & vb. n. Quickening.] [AS. cwician. See Quick, a.]

  1. To make alive; to vivify; to revive or resuscitate, as from death or an inanimate state; hence, to excite; to, stimulate; to incite.

    The mistress which I serve quickens what's dead.

    Like a fruitful garden without an hedge, that quickens the appetite to enjoy so tempting a prize. -- South.

  2. To make lively, active, or sprightly; to impart additional energy to; to stimulate; to make quick or rapid; to hasten; to accelerate; as, to quicken one's steps or thoughts; to quicken one's departure or speed.

  3. (Shipbuilding) To shorten the radius of (a curve); to make (a curve) sharper; as, to quicken the sheer, that is, to make its curve more pronounced.

    Syn: To revive; resuscitate; animate; reinvigorate; vivify; refresh; stimulate; sharpen; incite; hasten; accelerate; expedite; dispatch; speed.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "come to life; give life to," from quick (adj.) + -en (1). Meaning "become faster" is from 1805. Related: Quickened; quickening. An earlier verb was simply quick (c.1200), from Old English gecwician.


Etymology 1 vb. 1 (lb en transitive now literary) To give life to; to animate, make alive, revive. (from 14thc.) 2 (lb en intransitive now literary) To come back to life, receive life. (from 14thc.) 3 (lb en intransitive) To take on a state of activity or vigour comparable to life; to be roused, excited. (from 15thc.) 4 (lb en intransitive) Of a pregnant woman: to first feel the movements of the foetus, or reach the stage of pregnancy at which this takes place; of a foetus: to begin to move. (from 16thc.) 5 (lb en transitive) To make quicker; to hasten, speed up. (from 17thc.) 6 (lb en intransitive) To become faster. (from 17thc.) 7 (lb en shipbuilding) To shorten the radius of (a curve); to make (a curve) sharper. Etymology 2

n. (cx now chiefly Northern England English) The European rowan, ''Sorbus aucuparia''. (from 15th c.)

  1. v. move faster; "The car accelerated" [syn: accelerate, speed up, speed] [ant: decelerate]

  2. make keen or more acute; "whet my appetite" [syn: whet]

  3. give life or energy to; "The cold water invigorated him" [syn: invigorate]

  4. show signs of life; "the fetus quickened"

  5. give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health" [syn: animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, renovate, repair, vivify, revivify]


Quicken is a personal finance management tool developed by Intuit, Inc. On March 3, 2016, Intuit announced plans to sell Quicken to H.I.G. Capital. Terms of the sale were not disclosed.

Different (and incompatible) versions of Quicken run on Windows and Macintosh systems. Previous versions ran on DOS. There are several versions of Quicken for Windows, including Quicken Starter, Quicken Deluxe, Quicken Rental Property Manager, Quicken Premier, and Quicken Home & Business, as well as Quicken for Mac. Since 2008, each version has tended to have the release year in the product name (e.g., Quicken Basic 2008); before then, versions were numbered (e.g., Quicken 8 for DOS).

Quicken's major marketplace is North America, and most of the software sold is specialized for the United States and Canadian marketplace and user base. But the core functions can often be used more widely, regardless of country; and versions have been tailored for a variety of marketplaces, including Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Singapore. Development of the UK-specific version of Quicken was stopped in January 2005, with sales and support ending shortly afterwards. There were also versions for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Usage examples of "quicken".

She was always so self-contained, so immaculate, so perfectly poised and turned out that his need to see her with her mouth swollen after love, her hair tangled by his fingers, her eyes languorous and heavy, her breathing quickened, sharp and desirous, was sometimes so great that he ached to reach out and take hold of her.

They naturally go together where there is adaptedness for them, mutually quickening and increasing each other.

Because sometimes love stupefies instead of quickens, and because I had been in a way her judge, and I thought it would be base of me to revenge myself on her by satisfying my amorous desires, and possibly because I was a fool, as I have often been in the course of my existence.

He quickened his pace and caught up to Arak just as two oversized bronze doors swung open.

I shall try to make these dead men quicken into life for your behoof, and to call back out of the mists of the past those scenes which were brisk enough in the acting, though they read so dully and so heavily in the pages of the worthy men who have set themselves to record them.

Quickening had a fire built close to where Walker Boh lay sleeping and she took up a position at his side and did not move.

Quickening lay down next to Walker Boh and went to sleep, her body pressed close against his.

The line spread out along the broken seam, Dees in the lead, Carisman, Quickening, Morgan, and Walker Boh following, and Pe Ell last.

But Quickening had assured him in that way she had of dispelling all doubt that Horner Dees was the man they needed.

He quickened his pace, hopped over the gutter, and waded down the dragging muck in the middle of Rue Douane, keeping clear of the rough shacks and stucco cottages on either side.

The pulse was still quickening, and even more disturbHARMFUL INTENT t5 ing, there was an ectopic, irregular heartbeat.

The pulse was still quickening, and even more disturbing, there was an ectopic, irregular heartbeat.

One of these evaginations followed the route they had taken on their way to the diving party, and Kerans felt his step quicken as they approached the planetarium.

There with a barely controlled fierceness that constantly battled the more rational need to be gentle with her, they came together like midnight sky and morning sun, dark upon pale gold as she welcomed him with slender arms, and the quickening heat of her body.

The formerly lethargic Guyans had quickened their walk to a trot, and the leaves above the path now moved in a rapidly rising wind.