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quick march

n. marching at quick time

Usage examples of "quick march".

The quick march of the Rifles was immensely fast and, anticipating the pain to come, the men groaned.

When his brother commanded a quick march north to Silver Hill, Camanto kept his tongue between his teeth by the simple expedient of biting it.

Two hours of double-quick march in daylight could have brought them to this position, but instead they had endured a frigid, miserable night.

Longinus, apprehending he should be besieged in a country where all were against him, quitted his camp silently in the night, and, by a quick march, reached Ulia, a town on which he thought he could rely.

This was a bark of command, an order to quick march, and now, from the lawn above him, he could hear the voice shouting crisp drill orders and he wondered what on earth was happening in that wide, spacious garden of Sir Henry's.

They pushed their tempo up to the Light Infantry quick march and stamped with their boots so that the dust flew up.