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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Queen \Queen\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Queened; p. pr. & vb. n. Queening.] (Chess.) To make a queen (or other piece, at the player's discretion) of by moving it to the eighth row; as, to queen a pawn.


Queening \Queen"ing\, n. [See Queen apple.] (Bot.) Any one of several kinds of apples, as summer queening, scarlet queening, and early queening. An apple called the queening was cultivated in England two hundred years ago.


n. Any of several kinds of apple. vb. (present participle of queen English)


Queening may refer to:

  • In chess, the promotion of a pawn to a queen
  • The sexual practice of facesitting
  • The act of giving birth in the feline

Usage examples of "queening".

Mishap to a Queening PawnON SUNDAY, the day after the affair at Lake of Menteith, Lord Culter was also taking aquatic exercise of a kind which all but turned his epithalamics into elegies.

But she mated me in no time, four games straight, declaring frankly and frequently that I made stupid moves, rooking and queening me unmercifully until I put by board and pieces, bolstered her firmly by the shoulders, and ditto'd her.