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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quashee \Quash"ee\, n. A negro of the West Indies.

Usage examples of "quashee".

So, after some days, when Magpie Maggie Hag had cut and sewn acrobat outfits for the three and they were decently covered, they were allowed out of the wagon to mingle with their new colleagues, and Quashee fed them when he fed Hannibal, and they returned to the museum only to sleep.

But the urbane Quashee did not mind taking trays to the Simmses in their cabin and to Hannibal on deck, any more than he minded taking trays to Rouleau.

When at one point the gunwales were draped with Mullenax, Trimm, Hannibal, Sarah and Clover Lee, Fitzfarris, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Quincy—all jettisoning the good food Doc and Quashee had fed them—Florian expressed some surprise at not seeing Edge and Yount in the same position and condition.