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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Although colorful, active, and good feeders, they are apt to be a little quarrelsome.
▪ Conversely, to be angry, quarrelsome, or brave marks one off as not human.
▪ Even quarrelsome members of the leadership, like William Joyce, appear to have been attracted to the movement by such motives.
▪ He depicts his noisy, disordered, life-loving, quarrelsome, self-absorbed family with a historian's detachment.
▪ Leese had a pronounced anti-authoritarian streak in his behaviour and a quarrelsome personality.
▪ Previously you had to be part of a quarrelsome, uneconomic unit of orthodoxy known as a church.
▪ They are quarrelsome, politically unstable and poor; some are preoccupied with fighting.
▪ They became cranky and quarrelsome, and stopped most of their activities in order to conserve energy.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quarrelsome \Quar"rel*some\, a. Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric.

Syn: Pugnacious; irritable; irascible; brawling; choleric; fiery; petulant. [1913 Webster] -- Quar"rel*some*ly, adv. -- Quar"rel*some*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from quarrel (n.1) + -some (1). Related: Quarrelsomeness.


a. argumentative; belligerent; contentious; given to quarreling.


adj. given to quarreling; "arguing children"; "quarrelsome when drinking"

Usage examples of "quarrelsome".

The excuse hovered on his lips, de Batz reluctantly was preparing to bid him good-bye, when Celimene, speaking common-place words enough in answer to her quarrelsome lover, caused him to drop the hand which he was holding out to his friend and to turn back towards the stage.

This is remarkable, since, viewed for instance from America or China, this war was, after all, but a petty disturbance, scarcely more than a brawl between quarrelsome statelets, an episode in the decline of a senile civilization.

He even called the astute Terrapin a humbug, and toward midnight grew quarrelsome.

Subsequent migrations composed of dissident ethnic elements from other Terran cultures, unassimilable, fractious, and quarrelsome in their own way, only intensified the warlike xenophobia of the first settlers.

Ever since the hides had mysteriously disappeared from his tanyard a few days before, he had felt sure that this quarrelsome neighbour of his must have taken them.

From the days of Linnaeus, who did this for biological species in the eighteenth century, onwards, taxonomists have been a quarrelsome lot.

Joe Berks, who had grown noisier and more quarrelsome as the evening went on, tried to clamber across the table, with horrible blasphemies, to come to blows with an old Jew named Fighting Yussef, who had plunged into the discussion.

I stayed with her, my heart unfettered and my senses enchained, never wearied of holding her in my arms, that proud and quarrelsome woman, captivated by my senses, or rather carried away, overcome by a youthful, healthy, powerful charm, which emanated from her fragrant person and from the well-molded lines of her body.

To say truth, nothing is more erroneous than the common observation, that men who are ill-natured and quarrelsome when they are drunk, are very worthy persons when they are sober: for drink, in reality, doth not reverse nature, or create passions in men which did not exist in them before.

William Douglass, the disputatious Scotchman, mentioned those same four remedies, in the dedication of his quarrelsome essay on inoculation, as the most important ones in the hands of the physicians of his time.

To Servilia, however, he was an absolute monster-loud, slow to learn, insensitive, and so pugnaciously quarrelsome that he had been a thorn in the side of his older siblings from the time he began to walk and talk.

His faults were that he was drunken, dirty, quarrelsome, dissolute, and somewhat of a cheat.

Joe was about to suggest that the quarrelsome stranger might have something to do with the mystery promised by Elroy Jefferson.

One of those smooth-haired fox terriers, rather stout and quarrelsome, that butchers always seem to have.

Almost from the start she discovered that her head man, while apparently loyal to her, had but meagre control of the men of the safari, who were inclined to be insubordinate and quarrelsome.