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quantum jump
  1. n. (physics) an abrupt transition of an electron or atom or molecule from one quantum state to another with the emission or absorption of a quantum

  2. a sudden large increase or advance; "this may not insure success but it will represent a quantum leap from last summer" [syn: quantum leap]

Quantum jump

Quantum jump may refer to:

  • Atomic electron transition or a similar transition between quantum states, which is a scientific phenomenon
  • Quantum Jump, a British rock music band

Usage examples of "quantum jump".

Willard Gibbs, far more than Einstein, created the modern cosmos, and his concept of contingent or statistical reality, when cross-fertilized with the Second Law of Thermodynamics by Shannon and Wiener, led to the definition of information as the negative reciprocal of probability, making the clubbings of Jesus by Chicago cops just another of those things that happens in this kind of quantum jump.

The vortex then became an intersection point, a discontinuous quantum jump, beyond relativistic space-time.

We know that your specs called for a shorter period of infall delay before the quantum jump to black hole formation, but the structural engineers told us that the old starship just wouldn't hold up under more acceleration, even with all the added internal bracing.

Maybe my colleagues and I will make a quantum jump to multiplication.

But it was a quantum jump from that to acceptance of possible rebellion, and to defiance of both his authority and the Emperor's.