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n. (plural of qualification English)

Usage examples of "qualifications".

To prevent therefore, for the future, such intemperate abuses of leisure, of letters, and of the liberty of the press, especially as the world seems at present to be more than usually threatened with them, I shall here venture to mention some qualifications, every one of which are in a pretty high degree necessary to this order of historians.

In short, this is a sight to which no persons are admitted without one or other of these qualifications, viz.

Even if it begins to sell well, that can be aborted when it is reviewed unsympathetically or even viciously by someone with no particular talent or qualifications in criticism.

You are even liable to face the unsympathetic comments of individual readers who will wax merry, sardonic, or contemptuous at your expense--and what are their qualifications for doing so?

What signifies his being base born, when compared with such qualifications as these?

But without ascertaining all the proper qualifications of a critic, which I have touched on elsewhere, I think I may very boldly object to the censures of any one past upon works which he hath not himself read.

But to proceed in my story: the qualifications which he then possessed so well recommended him, that, though the people of quality at that time lived separate from the rest of the company, and excluded them from all their parties, Mr.

I am the better pleased with her father for not laying any stress on these qualifications in our bargain.

Although possessed of qualifications for his office so numerous and valuable, he was tremblingly distrustful of his own abilities and exercised his terrible functions with diffidence and hesitation.

He possessed, however, none of the qualifications which ensure social success.

Though only seven years older than Celia-he was thirty-six-his impressive qualifications included a B.

In the case of scientists, the gap between those employed at FDA and drug company scientists with similar qualifications was even wider.

Her medical qualifications gave her stature and an automatic right to be heard on the subject of prescription drugs.

I have more qualifications to read those kind of reports, then make a judgment-as I already have?

Of course she has no 381 medical qualifications to make that kind of judgment-not that that stops sales-happy people like Jordan making them.