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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Quadruply \Quad"ru*ply\, adv. To a fourfold quantity; so as to be, or cause to be, quadruple; as, to be quadruply recompensed.


adv. 1 four times 2 in four (often different) ways

Usage examples of "quadruply".

If we waited until assurance was doubly and triply and quadruply and endlessly sure, we would have waited forever.

Or even quadruply lucky - because she had accidentally left the Deputy-Director scope to demonstrate his superior knowledge, the exercise of which pleased him as much as his chocolates.

And that if what you did when you had the power was justified, then what will be done to you when you no longer have the power is certainly justified, is doubly, triply, quadruply justified?

Whoever had seen her bending to the light of the lamp beneath the quadruply centennial hangings of that ancient room would have admired the sublimity of the picture.