Crossword clues for quadrupeds
n. (plural of quadruped English)
Usage examples of "quadrupeds".
The only specimens of quadrupeds, birds, fish and cetacea were a few wild boars, stormy petrels, albatrosses, perch and seals.
If turf which has long been mown, and the case would be the same with turf closely browsed by quadrupeds, be let to grow, the more vigorous plants gradually kill the less vigorous, though fully grown, plants: thus out of twenty species growing on a little plot of turf (three feet by four) nine species perished from the other species being allowed to grow up freely.
It must be mentioned also, that they had not been dug at random, but at certain places where numerous footprints showed that quadrupeds frequented the ground.
It has lately been shown that some quadrupeds much lower in the scale than monkeys, namely Rodents, are able to produce correct musical tones: see the account of a singing Hesperomys, by the Rev.
It is not that the larger quadrupeds are actually destroyed (except in some rare cases) by the flies, but they are incessantly harassed and their strength reduced, so that they are more subject to disease, or not so well enabled in a coming dearth to search for food, or to escape from beasts of prey.
Pencroft only saw traces of quadrupeds, fresh footprints of animals, of which he could not recognize the species.
The settlers heard successively the song of birds, the cry of quadrupeds, and a sort of clacking which they might have believed to have escaped from the lips of a native.
Gideon Spilett jokingly asked whether these active and merry quadrupeds did not consider him and his companions as degenerate brothers.
No quadrupeds, however, were visible, but Thalcave pointed to the long grass and thick brushwood, and gave his friends to understand they were lying there in concealment.
Birds, quadrupeds, and reptiles were resting motionless after the fatigues of the day, and the silence of the desert brooded over the farspreading Pampas.
Woe betide the man who meddles with the young of the larger and fiercer quadrupeds, if they hear the cry of distress from their young.
One of the fluffy quadrupeds bowed at once, then scurried off to call the commander of the armed forces.
At last he made out a small crowd of feathered quadrupeds, large balls of white fluff bedecked in ribbons and sashes.
Shading his eyes, he made out giant quadrupeds pulling hulking vehicles that slid soundlessly along the road.