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n. 1 A boundary layer in a body of water between areas of different temperature or salinity. 2 A layer of water where the density changes rapidly with depth


A pycnocline is the cline or layer where the density gradient is greatest within a body of water. An ocean current is generated by the forces such as breaking waves, terms of temperature and salinity differences, wind, Coriolis effect, and tides caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun. In addition, the physical properties in a pycnocline driven by density gradients also affect the flows and vertical profiles in the ocean. These changes can be connected to the transport of heat, salt, and nutrients through the ocean, and the pycnocline diffusion controls upwelling.

Below the mixed layer, a stable density gradient (or pycnocline) separates the upper and lower water which hinders vertical transport. This separation has important biological effects on the ocean and the marine living organisms. However, vertical mixing across pycnocline is a regular phenomenon in oceans, and occurs through shear-produced turbulence. Such mixing plays a key role in the transport of nutrients.