vb. (present participle of put up a fight English)
Usage examples of "putting up a fight".
But if she'd been captured without putting up a fight in the clearing and the struggle had taken place when she'd seen the chance to get away from her captor, what were they doing in the dead end of the dale?
He was dimly aware that his hand was still putting up a fight at the end of his arm.
He couldn't believe that he would allow the circulation figures of the Globe to keep on dropping without even putting up a fight.
He's putting up a fight, but for the first time in his life, he's losing.
That blasted von Donderberg was still putting up a fight, and Sonya and Clarisse, who had come to the Commodore's aid, were more of a hindrance than a help.
The Canadian refrigeration enthusiast was still putting up a fight when he was dragged off the program, to be replaced by an African gentleman who wanted to use the opposite technique--heat.
Dirk sighed, and decided there was no point in putting up a fight on this one.