vb. (present participle of put up English)
Usage examples of "putting up".
In order to help remedy the difficulty, the General conceived the plan of putting up tents to be used as rooms.
On the other side, Poland is putting up a spirited resistance, but there is no doubt it will fall completely .
Finally, love and thanks to my wife Gail, for putting up with all the quiet hours.
Monsieur Ratignolle was putting up a mixture himself, very carefully, dropping a red liquid into a tiny glass.
When he had killed off all he could, his policy was to combine with those he could not kill, and convert their mutual warfare into a warfare upon the public at large by cornering the market, as I believe you used to call it, and putting up prices to the highest point people would stand before going without the goods.
Neale, who treated them with great kindness, and promised to assist them on the following day in putting up a dwelling.
The distinction was so subtle that she thought no other sorcerers would notice, unless they were very close, but someone was putting up an occult resistance.
Yet we looked round on serious faces and - a fact that spoke volumes - Tom was putting up the shutters on the bar.
He rubbed his eyes, and then putting up his hand felt carefully of the bandage over his wound.
I was putting up my letters in high spirits, and was just leaving the picture-dealer's shop to look out for comfortable lodgings, when I was met at the door by the landlord of one of the largest hotels in Liverpool--an old acquaintance whom I had known as manager of a tavern in London in my student days.
While busily engaged in putting up the fence, a party of Indians in ambush fired at the father and he fell dead.
But from that touch spread a cooling, a soothing throughout my head and then down into my body, putting up a barrier against the pain which was now a dim, far-off thing, no longer really a part of me.