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n. (plural of put-down English)

Usage examples of "put-downs".

The best way to deal with put-downs is to accept them and take them one step further, don't you think?

You take the put-downs and you run with them, taking them so much further that all the mockery's discharged.

However, slums and ghettos and put-downs are not going to disappear in society unless slums and games disappear from the hearts of people.

Her put-downs and barbed bon mots were legendary, but you were no one until Chantelle had deigned to notice you.

She circulated at great speed among the uneasy guests, favoring some with a quick peck on the cheek, or by generously remembering their first names in front of the cameras, while others received only biting put-downs or were damned with the very faintest of praises.