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put down roots

vb. (context idiomatic English) to establish oneself in a place; to become settled

Usage examples of "put down roots".

As I walked through the tunnel, I was remembering how much time I had wasted in one place, trying to put down roots in soil where nothing could grow any longer.

As the story grew it put down roots (into the past) and threw out unexpected branches: but its main theme was settled from the outset by the inevitable choice of the Ring as the link between it and The Hobbit.

As the story grew it put down roots (into the past) and threw out unexpected branches: but its main theme was settled from the outset by the inevitable choice of the Ring as the link between it and _The Hobbit.

Some plants put down roots that traveled through the intervening air to suck nourishment from splotches of water floating in midair beneath them.

I wanted a place they could grow up with, where they could put down roots.

It was a ridge of blue-green rock where even the hardy Marre pines could not put down roots.

There was a horrid sucking and tearing sound, rather as if the dead woman's bottom had put down roots in the earth.

The man on the move is ordinarily in too much of a hurry to put down roots in any one place.

All of the others, from Donald at Henley to Gervase at Maidenhead, from Thomas near Reading to Lucy near Marlow, from Ferdinand in Wokingham to Serena in Bracknell, and even Vivien in Twyford and Alicia near Windsor, all of them seemed to have put down roots in a ring round the parent house like thistledown blown on the wind and reseeding.

But I would like to find a place where they speak English, where the people are of my own kind, where there is peace, where I can settle down, put down roots.

All their friends and family had naturally assumed they would eventually put down roots together, but Herb had not been ready for a permanent commitment.

The Aaron Starks asked no protection from anybody, or if so, not for long, but moved out ahead of the Army wherever their path was not blocked by too tight a line, and where they stopped they put down roots.