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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pustular \Pus"tu*lar\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to pustules; as, pustular prominences; pustular eruptions.

  2. Covered with pustulelike prominences; pustulate.


a. Of, pertaining to, or containing pustules

Usage examples of "pustular".

Externally, Rue is an active irritant to the skin, the bruised leaves blistering the hands, and causing a pustular eruption.

Chevalier mentions that through contact of the drug workmen in the manufacture of quinin are liable to an affection of the skin which manifests itself in a vesicular, papular, or pustular eruption on different parts of the body.

Formlessly, before I began to shape them, the fragrances poured into me: the mournful decaying fumes of animal faeces in the gardens of the Frere Road museum, the pustular body odours of young men in loose pajamas holding hands in Sadar evenings, the knife‑sharpness of expectorated betel‑nut and the bitter‑sweet commingling of betel and opium: 'rocket paans' were sniffed out in the hawker‑crowded alleys between Elphin‑stone Street and Victoria Road.