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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pustulant \Pus"tu*lant\ (?; 135), a. [L. pustulans, p. pr. See Pustulate, v. t.] (Med.) Producing pustules. -- n. A medicine that produces pustules, as croton oil.


a. (context medicine English) Producing pustules. n. (context medicine English) Any medicine that produces pustules.

Usage examples of "pustulant".

They had no equal in cleaning pustulant wounds without damage to the healthy flesh nearby.

Seeming to sprout from the fore end of the pustulant mass was something that looked like the torso of a woman, and two small, possibly vestigial, limbs angled out and back where the two parts joined.

His hands were locked tight around the suppurating, pustulant neck of the mutie, throttling him into submission.

Only the third now stared directly at the indefatigably advancing Drounge, peering into its seeping, pustulant optics, plainly sensible not only of its presence but of its bearing and appearance.

They excreted a poison that caused pustulant sores and an infernal itching that lasted for a week.

Weel, then, why are they wastin' ye on silly things like door-guard­ing, when ye might be makin' yourself useful smelling gouty toes and pustulant arseholes?