a. (alternative form of pushing up daisies English)
Pushing Daisies is an American fantasy comedy-drama television series created by Bryan Fuller that aired on ABC from October 3, 2007, to June 13, 2009. The series stars Lee Pace as Ned, a pie-maker with the ability to bring dead things back to life with his touch, an ability that comes with stipulations. The cast includes Anna Friel, Chi McBride, Kristin Chenoweth, Ellen Greene, and Swoosie Kurtz. The series is narrated by Jim Dale.
Touted as a " forensic fairy tale", the series is known for its unusual visual style, quirky characters, and fast-paced dialogue, often employing wordplay, metaphor, and double entendre.
The series received critical acclaim and received numerous awards. The series received 17 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, with seven wins; including Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series for Barry Sonnenfeld and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Kristin Chenoweth. TV Guide included the series in their 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Cancelled Too Soon". In 2015, Pushing Daisies was voted first in Esquires "TV Reboot Tournament" that asked fans to vote for the show they would most like to see return to television.